As a highly respected first responder professional, your exceptional skills, leadership, and dedication have made a lasting impact on the community you serve. We believe that your invaluable experience and passion for promoting physical fitness and camaraderie among your peers make you an ideal candidate to represent the Games as an Ambassador.

The World Police & Fire Games bring together the finest first responders around the globe to showcase their athletic prowess, exchange knowledge, and forge lasting connections. As an BHM25 WPFG Ambassador, you will play a pivotal role in fostering an atmosphere of unity, cooperation, and mutual respect among the participants, while highlighting the significance of your noble professions.


1. Promoting the Games

Utilizing your influential position and network, you will assist in raising awareness about the BHM25 WPFG. This will involve engaging with other first responders, attending public events, and encouraging participation from fellow professionals. Additionally, we encourage you to leverage your department's communication channels to promote the Games, such as posting posters in stations and sharing content on social media platforms.

2. Inspiring Athletes

Through your personal experiences, dedication, and achievements, you will inspire athletes to push their boundaries, compete at their best, and embody the true spirit of the Games. Your presence will motivate participants to strive for excellence and demonstrate the incredible athleticism of first responder professionals.

3. Building Community Relationships

Drawing on your exceptional leadership skills, you will engage with local communities, organizations, and sponsors to forge strong partnerships. Your involvement will help in building lasting connections, enhancing the Games' visibility, and securing resources for their success.