Rob Kroonen Likes his Judo Dutch Style
The Netherlands produces great athletes in many sports, but one athlete stands out. You don’t think a Dutch man would dominate the sport of judo, but Rob Kroonen with the Brabant-Zeeland West Police Department has done just that in his World Police and Fire Games career, winning gold medals every time since 2017.
Rob does not look the part of a judo champion, being taller and stockier than the usual competitor. Smaller and swifter athletes can gain an advantage over taller people like Rob in this sport, but he’s always been ready for the challenge. “They always try to take me down,” he said with a smile. “But I am now a four-time defending champion!”
So how did Rob even think of taking up judo growing up near the Artic Circle? “My father was always taking me to the dojo as a young child,” he recalled. “We trained together, and one of my finest memories was when we got to our championship rounds together.” Then he laughed and added, “He let his little boy get the gold but never again after that! He passed a few years ago so this is very good memory I have.”
Rob enjoys his police work and takes it all in stride. “Some people call me a hero, but working the streets at night the drunk people call me something else. It’s a good thing to serve the law and I do it from my heart. It’s a nice job.”
By Del Moon