Entry Deadline: June 25, 2025
Cost: Registration Fee + $35.00 USD
CONTACT INFO: bodybuilding@bhm2025.com
Event times are estimated and subject to change once registration closes.
Address: 1800 3rd Ave N, Birmingham, AL 35203
Distance to Host Hotels: 1.1 miles/1.8 km
Closest hotel: Elyton Hotel
Age Categories: 18-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50+
Bikini Fitness
Age Categories: 18-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50+
At the discretion of the Event Director, Head Judge and competition judges, classes may be combined if the number of competitors in each class so dictates. (see WPFG General Rules).
Entry Deadline: June 25, 2025
Tele. (858) 571-9919; E-Mail: 4info@cpaf.org
c/ Dublín, nº 39
28032 Europolis
Las Rozas
Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 91 535 28 19
Fax: +34 91 636 12 70
E-mail: headquarters@ifbb.com
Group Facing
All contestants in the class are brought before the judges. Standing in a line in front of the judging table, they execute a series of simultaneous quarter turns, allowing the judges to view and compare them from all angles.
Individual Posing
The contestants come out one at a time by class and perform their individual routines. These routines must include, but need not be limited to at least one front, one back, one side and one twisting pose. This session will not exceed sixty seconds per competitor.
Comparison Posing
All competitors are called back (by class) for detailed comparison. All contestants shall be compared. Standard poses shall be used for this phase, and the judges may shift the positions of the contestants to facilitate such comparisons.
Medals are awarded First through Third Place (1st – 3rd).
See map below for directions to the Lyric Theatre from Athletes' Village in Downtown Birmingham.
1. FAQ
The confirmation letter for body building will be emailed to you and posted here by June 1, 2025.