Teed Up for 2025
Golf is a quirky game. You never know where that little white ball will take you. Just ask Chief Marvin Green of the Vestavia Hills, AL Fire Department, who scored his first hole in one in January of 2024 and is now planning to join in international competition when the 2025 World Police and Fire Games arrive in his backyard.
“That was my first one. Maybe my only one,” he jokes. “It was a lucky shot that I will never be able to recreate. My day was so bad I stopped keeping score at hole 2 and got the ace on hole 17. I had to go back and recreate my scorecard!”
Green, 49, is a 28-year fire service veteran with 25 years in Vestavia Hills, part of the Birmingham metro area. He is humble to be the chief and volunteers often in community events. One citizen describes him as “a big ole Teddy Bear.” Ironically, he scored his hole in one at the Highlands Park Golf Club, one of the courses that was selected to host 2025 WPFG golf. Green says that should not strike fear into his competition.
“I am terrible, like a 20+ handicap. There’s no chance I will place in the top 100 in these games,” he explains. “Maybe I can be designated the official Last Place Finisher and make everyone else feel good!”
Green picked up golf ten years ago and plays whenever his job will let him. “I guess I can’t call it a stress reliever because I’m usually leaving the game madder for paying green fees just to lose a bunch of balls,” he drawls. “But one group I play with are all firefighters, and It is a good way to relieve stress and catch up on what’s going on. In a department this size a lot of your news sometimes gets filtered. You spend a few hours with the guys and their guard goes down and you hear their real concerns. It’s a time for fellowship.”
Chief Green holds numerous degrees and certifications and was recently honored as the 2024 Career Fire Chief of the Year by the Alabama Association of Fire Chiefs. He is a powerful ambassador helping to spread the word about WPFG within the state’s fire community.
By Del Moon